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The order and law situation in the city of Sambalpur has deteriorated

Incidents such as daily thefts, robberies, etc. have terrified people. But as much as the Sambalpur police have not succeeded in apprehending the culprit, they are gaining the upper hand in catching helmet violators. The Police chase the helmet violators in such a way that the riders fell on the ground. This Scene was scene on thursday afternoon near Ainthapali Police Station.

The two people who were not wearing the helmet were chased by the police and police take the bike keys which results one fell into the ground, the other one left the bike and run away.

According to the MV Laws, the question arises it is correct to snatch the keys of rider during helmet checking.

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  1. Really it’s very shameful activities by police. They have no power to take the bike keys any circumstances. They can issue a challan against the vehicle. In my case in the month of June at Rengali Camp of Bargrah dist Mr Bag police personnel try to take out my keys from my bike but not succeed at that time and try to threatened me.

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